Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A Brahminy Kite visits me in Bulusan, or so I thought

A Brahminy kite in flight. (photo credit:
It was a clear day. The whole view of the dome-shaped peak of Mt Bulusan was unobstructed from my azotea vantage point. It was like a giant panoramic screen laid out for my eyes' feast that morning. I knew that day was extra special when I saw a lone Brahminy kite in the mood of showing off his flying prowess as if telling me and reminding me again that life is a celebration despite and in spite of being alone.

Dive. Soar. Glide. He eloquently relayed the message.

It was a joy to behold with the magnificent volcano as backdrop. I remained mesmerized that morning and just stood there in silence and awe.

This scene reminds me of the lines from a book I used to read when I was twenty-three. It was compelling then.  But more so now with added depth  after  thirty years of gathering wisdom along my path. It still holds me breathless:

The conditions of a solitary bird are five:

The first, that it flies to the highest point;
the second, that it does not suffer for company,
     not even of its own kind;
the third, that it aims its beak to the skies;
the fourth, that it does not have a definite color;
the fifth, that it sings very softly.

      - San Juan de la Cruz, Dichos de Luz y Amor (from the book'Tales of Power',Carlos Castaneda)

Bulusan, Sorsogon, Philippines

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